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Lake Worth

Lake Worth

One event not to be missed is the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival.

Welcome to Lake Worth

Lake Worth has great beaches, a new fishing pier, historic buildings, and a revitalized downtown with an eclectic mix of antique stores, specialty shops, restaurants, art galleries, music venues and special events. One event not to be missed is the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival, where the asphalt becomes a canvas in a temporary, open-air museum.
Other cultural activities center around the tree-shaded square on Lake and Lucerne Avenues. Golf is a favorite, too, at the Lake Worth Municipal Golf Course, one of the most scenic courses in The Palm Beaches, right on the Intracoastal Waterway and Lake Worth Lagoon.

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Overview for Lake Worth, FL

41,929 people live in Lake Worth, where the median age is 38 and the average individual income is $29,717. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Total Population

38 years

Median Age


Population Density Population Density This is the number of people per square mile in a neighborhood.


Average individual Income

Schools in Lake Worth, FL

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Primary Schools ()
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Mixed Schools ()
The following schools are within or nearby Lake Worth. The rating and statistics can serve as a starting point to make baseline comparisons on the right schools for your family. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.
School rating

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